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February 27, 2024
NIH and March-In Rights under Bayh-Dole

If you didn’t tune in for the riveting Senate hearing over the nomination of the new NIH Director Monica […]

The Value of Stability in Scientific Funding, and Why We Need Better Data

A fascinating paper was just released online: “Scientific Talent Leaks Out of Funding Gaps,” by Wei Yang […]

A Sign of the Times

A New York Times headline from earlier this week: “The Billionaires Spending a Fortune to Lure Scientists […]

January 27, 2024
Lessons Answer.AI can learn from history’s greatest R&D labs

Today’s piece was put together with the help of several conversations with Answer.AI co-founder Jeremy Howard. It is not […]

“The Third University of Cambridge”: BBN and the Development of the ARPAnet

We’ve all heard that “DARPA invented the Internet.” But few have heard of BBN, the contractor that […]

The Autonomous Land Vehicle, Pilot’s Associate, and Battle Management: Three North Star Applications Projects from DARPA’s Strategic Computing Portfolio

Introduction DARPA’s customer relationships and the individual agency of its PMs are possibly the two biggest differentiators […]